Modeling of self-healing materials based on continuum damage healing mechanics
I am currently working on constitutive modelling of self-healing materials using continuum damage-healing mechanics. The primary objective of my work is to mathematically model the behavior and understand the mechanism of self- healing in materials under different loading conditions.
PhD Course Work
Course | Name |
AS5030 | Aerospace Structures |
AS5860 | Composite Structures |
AS5900 | Elasticity |
AS5885 | Continuum damage mechanics |
AS5990 | Micromechanics |
AS5880 | Mechanics of damage tolerance |
ME5204 | Finite element analysis |
ID6020 | Intro. to Research |
AS6999 | Special topics in Aero Engg: Literature review |
AS7999 | Special topics in Aero Engg: Validation |
ID6010 | Constitutive modelling in continuum mechanics |
ID7030 | Finite Elasticity |
ID6070 | Mechanics of viscoelastic materials |
ID5040 | Engineering plasticity |